Providence Arts & Letters,
PAL for short
is an online journal of art,
culture & ideas

Providence Arts & Letters, PAL for short, is an online journal of art, culture, and ideas. A platform for creative and critical discourse, PAL focuses on contemporary art and writing that centers local perspectives and the city of Providence within a complex web of global cultures and histories. PAL is managed, edited, and published by Providence College Galleries [PCG].
PAL aims to illuminate the relevance and importance of contemporary art in all aspects of life. Our tactic for accomplishing this is to highlight the connections between our city’s vibrant professional arts community and the myriad disciplines and faculties at Providence College.
PAL commissions works by local artists, writers, creators and interdisciplinarians in a wide variety of media, visual, written, and auditory, and publishes criticism and scholarship on local, contemporary work.
PAL engages Providence College’s own robust intellectual community. We aim to contextualize the research and expertise of faculty from the Schools of Arts & Sciences, Business, Nursing & Health Sciences, and Professional Studies, in terms of critical arts discourses, often by putting them in conversation with artists, artworks, or art historians.
PAL encourages students to submit work in response to PCG’s collection, exhibitions and events in the Providence community, or their own art and art historical research to foster a burgeoning art-critical practice that forefronts conceptualizing art as part of a rich matrix of human experience.
PAL interrogates PCG’s established and growing collection of artworks. The journal explores current questions of collection and curation by examining historical lenses of interpretation as well as contemporary trends and practices, both local and global.
Dr. Elizabeth Maynard is PAL’s Inaugural Managing Editor. Email to get in touch.