who sees in sound
Elizabeth Duffy, Eleni Sikelianos Wearing at the Providence Natural History Museum, 2023.
Editor’s note: Press play to listen to Eleni Sikelianos read “who sees in sound,” from her 2023 book Your Kingdom. Poetry can be both a visual an auditory medium; doubly so as her poem is accompanied by friend and collaborator Elizabeth Duffy’s photographs. Sikelianos wears a dress made especially for her, from Duffy’s Wearing series, which explores time, lineage, skin(s); themes intrinsic to both of their work. Read more about Wearing, here.
who sees in sound
We came to think we
’d thought everything
then we knew we
& we didn’t
& we wouldn’t
for other animals
had thought other
things & there was
no way of knowing
or thinking what
these things were
how a crab cerebrates
a hardened harried escape
across sands damp with night &
had a grackle recongressed its torn skin & kin
its kind on unvertiginous grasses earthbound
all albatrosses deduced aerodynamic efficiency in adjacent air
if you tap two pebbles together can you tell
how deep the cave is if you were a bat you’d do it
in a throat-squeeze, tongue-click
staring a rock in the face & the rock
is staring you back, rocks
become you, worn
lightly, your rock-
face, gold & gray

Elizabeth Duffy, Eleni with Two Shields, Wearing, 2023.

Elizabeth Duffy, Eleni Unraveling, Wearing, 2023.

Elizabeth Duffy, Eleni Seated, Wearing, 2023.

Elizabeth Duffy, Eleni with Thread, Wearing, 2023.