Artnet: The Launch of “Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place”
April 11, 2016
April 11, 2016
Unleashed to the world today online, this show features more than 100 art-gifs, selected by curators who know their art-gifs: Paddy Johnson, Michael Anthony Farley, and Rea McNamara (of the ArtFCity blogazine). Check ‘em out now—though the show also opens June 4 at GRIN Galleries in Rhode Island, if you prefer the IRL art experience, and promises to be “permanently installed” within the website of Providence College Art Galleries, which sponsored the show (or at least as “permanently installed” as anything is on the internet, I presume). Some of these gifs, like Giselle Zatonyl’s newly commissioned Modular Landscape (Kyplon) (2016), are really spacey.