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About Interlace Grant Fund

Collaborators: Dirt Palace Public Projects, Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts

Collaboration Overview

Interlace Grant Fund directly supports Providence-area visual artists and their work and well-being. Interlace was cofounded in 2020 and is jointly administered by staff from PCG and Dirt Palace Public Projects, a local feminist art organization, as part of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts’ Regional Regranting Program.

Interlace provides annual project grants and monthly emergency relief grants to individual visual artists in the Providence-area. Interlace’s goal is to recognize Providence artists’ needs and visions, especially those unencumbered by institutional limits and capable of cultivating new notions of accessibility, inclusivity, and communal creativity. In this spirit, the Interlace Grant Fund commits to responsive support for artists and advocates for unconventional collaborations that expand audiences, create fresh outcomes, and inspire an enriched trans-disciplinary discourse.

With Project Grants, Interlace annually funds artist-led projects that privilege collaborative projects that blur boundaries—material, conceptual, spatial, etc.—and forge alliances between artists, artists and audiences, artists and communities, and others. In supporting diverse artists with unconventional projects, especially those that might otherwise be overlooked by more traditional funders and venues, The Interlace Grant Fund seeks to make more robust the already adventurous spirit of Providence’s arts scene.

With Emergency Relief Grants, Interlace provides limited emergency support to visual artists on an ongoing basis. These grants will not cover all expenses; however, we distribute them as small acts of intervention and an expression of solidarity and support for artists experiencing hardship.

For information about Interlace opportunities and how to apply for grants visit:

Special thanks to the PC faculty that have served on the panel to distribute Emergency Relief Grants: Tuba Agartan, Eric Hirsch, Nick Longo, Carmine Perrotti, Sokeo Ros, Eric Sung, Virginia Thomas

About Our Collaborators

Dirt Palace Public Projects [DPPP] is the not-for-profit umbrella for various arts programs and projects, including Dirt Palace, a feminist artist-run space founded in 2000 in an abandoned library building in the commercial corridor of Olneyville in Providence. DPPP’s mission is to enhance the cultural life of Providence by creating visibility for feminist artists and people historically marginalized within the arts. DPPP offers artist residencies, affordable studio space, facilities, shared resources, opportunities, a culture of cooperation, and maintains visibility in the community through a committed public arts presence and long-term relationships.

To learn more about DPPP, visit