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Interlace Project Grants 2024 Cycle

For visual artists living in 10-mile radius of Providence, Rhode Island

Program Description:

2024 Interlace Project Grants

For the third award cycle, Interlace Grant Fund named nine recipients of Project Grants for visual arts projects produced and presented in Providence.

Awarded Artists and Projects

Bhen Alan, DJ Chappel, Eliza Squibb with collaborator: Selam Bedada, Janice Lardey, JooHee Yoon with collaborator: Marie Otsuka, Kannetha Brown, Janice Lardey, Rafael Taveras, Leiyana Simone Pereira, Linda Ford

2024 Cycle Jurors

Jamilee Lacy, Victoria Gao, Ryan Cardoso, Conor Moynihan, and Alexandra Zsigmond 

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